This B&W series of photographs were taken of ‘davis bay’ on the sunshine coast last january with a vintage Rollieflex on 120 Ilford film, they were printed using traditional analogue processes.
After spending this past autumn fine tuning the chemistry to achieve the look I was after for larger 16*20 prints, here is my take of a spectacular moment at ‘davis bay’ as the world frolics about on a brilliant January morning.
one roll | six exposures | one moment Davis Bay Series
Camera | Rollieflex 3.5f
Camera Lens | Carl Zeiss Planar 75mm
Film | Ilford H5P Plus 120
Film Chemistry | Kodak D-76
Enlarger | Beseler Dichro 67
Enlarger Lens | Schneider – Kreuznack 4/80
Paper | Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe Pearl
Paper Chemistry | Ilford Harman Warmtone
Location | Davis Bay, Sunshine Coast, BC